1. The subscriber is requested to satisfy himself/herself as to the correctness of the statement and bring discrepancies, if any ,to the notice of this office within 3 months from the date of receipt.
2.This office hereby declares that the above mentioned information based on the records received in this office is accurate and verified to the best of our knowledge.However these balances are subject to verification at the time of final payment and liable to revision after ab-initio rechecking of the accountdue to either excess credites,excess interests or any other discrepancies.
3. If the subscriber's debits are not entered in the annual slip by any reason,the same information may please be brought to the notice of the PAO/DTO authorities by the department officer concerned.
If any queries, please call to 040-24754825, 24755195, EXTN: 244
Joint Pay and Accounts Officer,
O/o.Pay & AAccounts Office, Hyderabad
Funds : ____________ Section
1. The subscriber is requested to satisfy himself/herself as to the correctness of as to the correctness of the statement and bring discrepancies, if any, to the notice of this office within 3 months from the date of receipt.
2. This office hereby declares that the above mentioned information based on the records received in this office is accurate and verified to the best of our knowledge. However these balances are subject to verification at the time of final payment and liable to revision after ab-initio rechecking of the account due to either excess credits,excess interests or any other discrepancies.
Signature of Treasury Officer