Click Here for Budget 2025-26
Click Here for Cadre Strength Data Entry
Click Here for Departments Bank Deposits
Important Notification ! Budget 2025-26

Budget Instructions 2025-26 G.O

Click Here To Download

Establishment - Works Accounts Department - Representation of Smt. S. Asha Deepa, Superintendent O/o the Assistant Pay and Accounts Officer (W&P) Kothagudem to include her name in the panel year 2016-17 against Cycle Point 8 and Roster Point 8 ST(W) - Request for review panel is considered - Preparation of review panels for conducting Review DPC - Objections called for-Regarding

Click Here To Download

Memo No.451 - Provisional Seniority List for the Panel Years 2020-21 and 2023-24 in the cadre of Divisional Accounts Officer (W) Gr-II

Memo No.451 - Provisional Seniority List for the Panel Years 2020-21 and 2023-24 in the cadre of Divisional Accounts Officer (W) Gr-II

Login Provision to the Divisional Account Officers (W) Grade-I and Grade-II in IFMIS Portal - Communication of User Credentials

Memo.No. 402 Login Provision to DAO(W) Grade-I and Grade-II in IFMIS

Attention DDO's

Click here for the List of the central scheme head of accounts

Click here to download current financial year(2023-24) active head of accounts

Note : All employees are requested to apply in Meeseva for Mutual Transfers

Steps to follow For updating Latest DA (state scales)

--> Go to DA enhancement module in HR Section and Update the DA of the employees.

Once DA is updated you can check the changes in Employees Masters

--> Salary bill for the month of January 2022 can be submitted with the latest DA payable on 1st February 2022

Our Vision

We have developed IFMIS with the ambition to integrate state-of-the-art technology into financial operations, ensuring superior data security, optimal efficiency, and total transparency. This system aims to revolutionize how financial management is conducted, providing a robust framework that supports the dynamic needs of the state.

IFMIS Hotline Number
11AM-5PM On all working days

Finance Department, Telangana

Entrusted with the prudent management of Telangana's financial resources, the State Finance Department ensures meticulous maintenance of all financial transaction records. It also plays a crucial role in formulating and administering the state's fiscal policies.

Latest News/Note

All the HODs and DDO are hereby informed that the remuneration pertains to Contract/Honorarium based services will be paid through IFMIS-DBT mode only from the month of November, 2022. All the departments hereby are requested to strictly adhered to update the information of the persons engaged on contract/honorarium basis in 27 column proforma in Finance (HRM.VII) Department with relevant information immediately. Updating of bills in regular pattern will not be entertained further.

Circular Memo for PRC 2020:

Pay Fixation Circular Memo__Dt.17.6.2021

DWA DDOs Full Tutorial Link

DWA PAOs Full Tutorial Link

Generate DDO Code Link

Generate Employee Code Link

All DDs, DTOs and STOs are instructed not to process cheques/bills related to repayment of covid 19 deferred payment upto 21st of this month or untill further orders. The nessary software will be launched by 15th, strict compliance is required.

As per GO 34 the bill is not released yet we will update once it is released for all the DDOs so that Nil Bill Can be submitted against the deductions for March Pay bill


You can now use the modules for new employee code and new ddocode generation present at DTO/DD login under the ADMIN section. Please note that mentioned screens will not be present in IMPACT anymore.


Indicate correct TSGLI policy number in the IFMIS Portal. Ensure policies for the entire subscriptions of each employee. If not done already, please send the proposal form and get policy bonds from the concerned District Insurance office so as to avail TSGLI scheme benefits in full. For further details visit

Govt Order Details:

Salaries of all employees are to be deferred with regards to the COVID situation from henceforth according to GO 27. For further information, please download GO here

First quarter budget is now released for certain HOAs. Grant-in-aids bills along with other rejected bills can be submitted now. For further information, please download GO here


You can now use the modules for FUV (IT) file generation present at DTO/DD login under the ADMIN section. Please note that mentioned screens will not be present in IMPACT anymore.